Royal visitors
Last weekend I had some important visitors, here's some exclusive photo footage of their stay in London.


Yes, this is London indeed!

This is PJ reporting live from Clement House, LSE, London. Back to the studio

Peejay's taking a piss out of the pinguin, the LSE's new student mascotte

HARROD'S, South Kensington, London; the supermarket for the ridiculously wealthy and extremely ignorant about the cost of living. As if London's not expensive enough yet...
Of course I couldn't resist trying a £2 salmon cake; it wasn't even that good, bah, money doesn't make life better...

"Burberry, for a less-exclusive high society life"
(within seconds the staff at Harrod's came round to prevent us from taking further pictures, but we have enough material for our counterfeiting production in Malaysia)

Besides for Burberry Peejay also has a mysterious fascination for the number 63, or better for its improbable pronunciation in Dutch as the juicy "drieënsjestig"

Mum and dad at Starbucks, nowadays as much a daily life thing London town as queues, red telephone cabins, black cabs, etc.

As you can see I'm still not relinquishing to the crazy bus drivers of London

Two generations of Brouwers's in a small student room

My mums fascination for cats and jewels surfaces again in the British Museum

Thou shall pose and smile on the photo!

If you didn't know it yet: Yes, PJ is good for you

Da bros

Tate Modern fascination

Millenium bridge, St. Paul's and a photo stalker in the background
LSEs mascot, as bad as it may be, is a lot better than King's mascot. Which is where I am right this instant, as it happens. King's has a huge red lion filled with concrete which looks like it was made by a child. A child with no artistic talent. It is filled with concrete in order to stop LSE students from stealing it, as has been their habit in the past. Personally I wouldn't want to steal it. However, if you had seen it in the Tate modern I reckon it would have been rated a masterpiece.
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