First night out
Yesterday evening I met up with Marta, a Spanish girl I know through Maria a good friend in Brussels. Like with all Spaniards it was kind of a fuzz to meet up ;-) but finally there I was in a crowded bar-restaurant in the North of London looking for a girl to seemed familiar with the pictures I'd seen of her. There she was, sitting with a bunch of (what later prooved to be) Australians and an Irish girl.
To get started with a somewhat homefeeling I took a pint of Hoegaarden 'van het vat', couldn't be too bad... Ok, at least it was cold and they put a slice of lemon in it but hell, it was a half a liter bucket, pressure-free beer that they filled it to top. So long homefeelings. And the worst thing is it's not the ignorance of the bargirl who served it, it's official Inbev instructions 'cause there's a little line 3mm below the top of the glass indicating untill where to fill it. But ok, I'm not a difficult person and it took away my thirst.
Afterwards we went to this Spanish party in the basement of a Spanish restaurant (a bit hidden because officialy they can't be open that late). Loads of Spaniards thus. It's funny how you can recognise them from a mile away by their haircut and clothes (boys even more than girls) even when they have been abroad for years. But it was good fun: loud Spanish classics everybody was singing along and "cheap drinks" or that's what they told me in advance. £3 for a simple beer, that's 4.5 euro!!! You can have a very good trappist for that back home in Belgium!!!
But the next day at least you don't wake up with a huge hangover (although a little one I admit), only with a huge leap in your budget.
Afterwards I had to find my way home with the nightbus system, busses and me that no good combination... I'll have to figure it out before I get my first visitors.
Ok, the internet shop's closing. Tomorrow I can go into my university flat where I should have regular internet acces. Now of to a Mexican party where I was invited to yesterday. Bye