LATEST HEADLINE "Disaster in the city! 3 Belgians gals spotted in Borough"
LONDON From our correspondent- The security services in London were on high alert last weekend. They were tipped off by informants there was a high security risk since three suspects disguised as Belgian girls on a trip to London would make the city unsafe.
They've been spotted setting off alarm systems, disabling CCTV cameras, seducing innocent drunk boys, humiliating Eurostar employees, sabotaging all sorts of machines, behaving weird in shops (filling up a basket and then leaving without it), headbanging at metal shows and stalking an Italian bass player.
This blog managed to get hold off some exclusive photo material of this destructive tour around London!

The gang of 3, watch out for these dangerous villains! If you spot them: do NOT approach them under no circumstance. They are dangerous and armed with their charms!

Lies found herself a new morbid hobby; feeding dead pigs! 'Here piggy, piggy!'

Mmmmhm, so many nice thing to see, smell and taste at Borough market

Including a huge pile of brownies!! When the gals laid eye on that one, only one outcome was possible:


A long working week and a destructive weekend in London kicks in. Lies in the sunshine!

Keep it quiet! Marjo is rehearsing to be the next cool bond girl! This weekend she had a licence to chill. Like in this picture of two classy ladies in a nice English setting, surrounded by LSE directors.

I took the girls up to the Shaw library, a classically decorated nice library on the 6th floor of the LSE's main building, the Old Building. After convincing the security guard that I just wanted to show my visitors around so they could see where I spend my year, we went up and took a tour around the building.
To go down I thought I'd show them a nice alternative passage on the 4th floor between the buildings so they'd have a nice view over Houghton street. We crossed the passage and took the elevator down to get outside again. But there we stood in front of a blocked door. I started saying: 'Oh, I didn't know they lock it on Saturdays', when Lies interrupted me 'Here's a button to open the door', pushing it simultaneously. It was an inviting green button besides the door, however, it had 'EMERGENCY DOOR OPENING' spelled out over it in big letters. When she pushed it, for a split second we thought we could go out but then the alarm went off!!!
Adrenaline started pumping, 'damn what now'. Instead of going through the door we probably opened, we rushed back in the elevator, back through the passage to Old Building. Downstairs we passed the security guards 'as if our nose was bleeding' while they tried to figure out what set off the alarm...

Lies suddenly got a rush of excitement and started climbing lamp post, and I just joined her jumping around like a madman.

Here you can see a gentlemen taking excellent care his female guests, serving them breakfast with scrambled eggs, huge capuccinos and oven-baked ciabattas. Everything to get 'em started for another long day walking and shopping in Camden market.

But it cannot only be fun in life, so Prof. L.J. Brouwers gave them a personal lecture in LSE's Hong Kong Theatre.

At night their musical horizon got broadened in a concert by the Italian emo-rock band Novembre and the Swedish progressive doom metal, depressive rock -or whatever you want to call it- band Katatonia.
Just an alternative way to have fun and rock into the London nightlife. So afterwards we dived into some cool indie bars around Old Street following the golden London rule to pick bars: no cover fee, lots of horny people inside (with preferably more girls than guys) and music you can dance to!

Of course, as tourists in London you can't miss out on Trafalgar square.

This is my Tube station in Borough, the gentrifying part south of the Thames where one W. Shakespeare once dwelled around as well.

See how happy their host(age) is when they're about to take the Eurostar back to the continent! ;-)